What is HES Code?


1. What is HES Code?

During controlled social life conditions, HES (Hayat Eve Sığar – Life Fits Into Home) code helps you safely share your Covid-19 risk status with institutions and individuals for activities like transportation or visit. Shared HES codes can be checked through the app or services provided to institutions.


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This code solely serves as a risk mitigant for infection in long distance transportation vehicles during travel. Covid-19 patients or contacted people will not be able to use public transportation. We use this code to inform you if anyone in the same vehicle is disgnosed as positive.

You have the full authority on generated HES codes. You can share your HES codes as long as you desire or you can delete them.

2. How to get HES Code?

There are three ways:

Your HES code;

  • via Hayat Eve Sığar App (IOS and Android),
  • via SMS to 2023;
    • Write HES and National ID Number, last four digits of National ID serial code and days of sharing (number of days), respectively and with spaces between asked information) and send SMS to 2023,
    • Persons who have Turkish Republic Blue Card ID or whose Turkish Republic identification number starts with 97, 98, 99: Type HES, your Turkish Republic identification number, year of birth, and sharing time (in days). Leave a space between each item. Send an SMS to 2023.
    • Persons who do not have a Turkish Republic or foreign identification number starting with 97, 98, 99: Type HES, your nationality, passport serial number, year of birth, and last name. Leave a space between each item. Send an SMS to 2023.
  • via e-Government,
    • By clicking here on e-Government,
    • Transactions of HES Code via e-Government: You can perform producing, deleting, querying and viewing details.
    • You can create a HES code for your children under the age of 18 via e-Government.

Besides, For foreign nationals with no domestic GSM number, HES Code can be received with passport information by sending an SMS to +90555 944 3821 including HES, nationality, passport serial number, year of birth and surname, respectively and with interspaces.

You can obtain a HES code by SMS for your children under the age of 18. Studies are carried out to create HES code for your children through “Hayat Eve Sığar” application and e-Government and will be available soon.

3. How to Use?

Generated HES code are send to related company, institution and individual and therefore, it will be possible to check if the related person has disease risk with this code.

You can share your generated HES codes with institutions or individuals directly or via mobile app. Institutions or individuals can check if you have any risk in terms of Covid-19 just by checking the HES codes you already shared. Similarly, you can check the HES codes shared with you to see the risk status of other individuals.

4. What is HES Code For?

Companies or institutions check the health status of the individual with the code. If there is risk, travel or visit activity of related individual is not confirmed.

  • For instance, you will share your HES code before the travel (by plane, train or bus). Therefore, it will be possible to check the Covid-19 risk of all passengers through the shared HES codes and risky individuals will be restrained from travelling. You will be able to protect yourself in this way.
  • Also, if you have traveled with people who do not have any risks during the trip but who have risky situations later within 14 days, you will be contacted for provision of healthcare and guidance.

5. Is it Safe?

You have the full authority on generated HES codes. You can share your HES codes as long as you desire or you can delete them.

HES codes are singular codes generated specially for you. You have the full authority and control on generated HES codes. Instead of a static number like National ID Number, you can generate unpredictable and special codes for every share or you can delete them. You can set time limits for your HES codes, therefore even if you forget about them, you can still control your shares. Besides, thanks to HES code, you will not have to share your personal data such as National ID Number.